WorldIP - Geo Add-on with Security Features

WorldIP 3.0.7 wrong display of external ip-address
ip-log shows the same. seems to be something wrong here. refreshing external ip-address has no effect. using firefox 24.0.
thanks in advance, jr.

Hi, this bug means that you does't have access to API. Could you please write to email mail[at] with infos:
- what you see in browser if you open ""
- do you have any firewalls/antiviruses
- do you have changed any settings in your PC or Router?
Thank you
Where are my external ip addresses logged? I found onlythe explanation, that they are logged, but not where I can find and open it. Thanks in advance Jan Renzlow

Country and City Disabled Displays & IP Address Not Correct
For the past month, I have been seeing the City and Country Disabled rather than where the host website is located. Also, since the recent update of WorldIP, the IP Address is not correct on Facebook, Mozilla. It shows an Highlighted Red Exclamation Mark after the IP Address with message that "! IP address does not coincide with the addresses from the external DNS servers. The subnetwork is the same. For a full check the information about the server's data center is needed." Can you please explain why this is happening. Thanks so much.

External IP = <!DOCTYPE html
I noticed that for a couple of days now that the external IP shows as <!DOCTYPE html.
I can access
The returned result is
Any ideas ?

External DNS section

WorldIIP 3.0.7 does not display correctly with respect to the the popup window info. If I deselect everything with the statusbar view options, nothing displays when hovering over the statusbar info. Everything shows with one option selected.
WorldIIP 3.0.7 does not display correctly with respect to the the popup window info. If I deselect everything with the statusbar view options, nothing displays when hovering over the statusbar info. Everything shows with one option for statusbar view is selected. I like the idea of having the complete display when hovering over the view selection info in the statusbar, even when no statusbar view option is selected. I don't really care about seeing my own IP all the time as it depends where I am using the Internet from as my own home or when on the road. I always like to have the option for seeing all the info in the popup window when on a web site.

Thank you for your report. It's easy to implement in and I'll fix it in the next release.

после устоновки приложения не появляется иконка для ввыбора функций..(
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